
Dear Potential Cultural Shaper,

Do you feel it? That subtle, yet overpowering urge to shape? Not just shape anything—but shape culture. The very essence of it. But what does that even mean? Well, that’s for you to decide. Or is it? Is culture shaped by the shaper, or does the shaping shape the shaper? You are the shaper. Or perhaps you’re the shaped? We’ll leave that existential conundrum for you to unravel, as the shaped shaper.

Here at the So Fkin Bored Culture Shaper Shaping Club, we don’t just ask the hard questions; we provide the tools to exist within them. In fact, we believe shaping culture is less about the “doing” and more about the “being.” So, be a shaper. Or be shaped. Or be shaped by shaping. Either way, something’s getting shaped, and we’d like you to think it’s culture, and maybe even you.

Are we selling you a product? Absolutely NOT. We’re offering you a moment of reflection. A fleeting, almost-impossible-to-grasp opportunity to contribute to the ever-expanding web of cultural influence. And when you do? Oh, when you do… things will be different. Or the same, but in a different way. Either way, shaping will have happened, and you will have been one of the absolute most important shapers of culture of the shaped culture, of ALL TIME.

So, why wait?
Why hesitate?
Why question the very nature of questioning?

Because when you shape the culture, the culture shapes you back. Meanwhile, why won’t your bitchass earn some stupid medals first? You DO want to shape culture, don’t you?

Fine, Do or Don’t Shape Culture. We don’t care

Hey You! Yes, You!

Are you tired of NOT shaping culture? Thought so. That’s why it’s time to Shape the Culture—because if you don’t, who will? Culture doesn’t shape itself, people! Or maybe it does? But that’s not important right now!

At Shape Culture Why Are You Still Reading This Club, we’re not just giving you a platform—we’re giving you a multidimensional paradigm shift for your lifestyle, creativity, and whatever else you want to throw up all over there. What is culture? Who cares?! You’re here to shape it! Bend it, fold it, spindle it, squeeze it, jerk it! Mix it with some glitter and Pditty baby oil and maybe a little bit of quantum physics! (Because why not? We hear quantum stuff is trending.) Also. Cozomo loves you and isn’t just a fake account by UTA to shape money culture around the artists who play ball like Kanye before he pointed out his handler. Anyway, back to culture shaping.

Step 1: Shape.
Step 2: Culture.
Step 3: Success? Definitely success. We think. Or maybe a “meta-success” based on culture shaping.

We’re talking about synergizing your synergy with culture’s cosmic energy of shaping YOUR CULTURE, BRO! It’s not about what culture is—it’s about what culture could be. And you’re going to shape that… somehow… by doing something… or maybe by just existing in the same realm as culture, which won’t earn you any medals and you will die alone in a black hole. You don’t want that do you?!

Don’t know what we’re talking about? PERFECT. That means you’re already shaping! Confused? That’s called engagement! Help up shape the engagement at least, Jesus fucking Christ.

So what are you waiting for? Shape the Shaping of the Shape Culture—because if you don’t, we’re not really sure what happens, but it sounds kind of bad, right? Probably. Anyway, you should totally DO THE CULTURE SHAPING NOW BY BRIDGING WHATEVER MONEY YOU HAVE TO THIS SHIT TOTALLY LEGITIMATE AND NON INSIDER TRADED SHITCOIN / L3.

Shape Culture: Where shaping happens. Or doesn’t. But probably does.

(Results may vary. Also, you might be an idiot who loves medals and compliance. KYC expected and accepted. Don’t sue culture or it will sue you back. You’ve been warned.)

+ FREE CHANCE TO WIN A SHITTY DERIVATIVE XCOPY THAT LOOKS LIKE EVERY OTHER ONE BUT YOU CAN FLIP IMMEDIATELY AND BE RISH AND BE ULTIMATE CULTURE SELF MADE FIREBRAND CULTURE SHAPER! Tossed salade not included. Must be purchased seperately. Based on allowlist availability. Void especially anywhere where self respect is not prohibited. Or the opposite. We don’t know. Go shape some culture, bitches!

150 150 Max Osiris

Max Osiris

full time cryptoartist since 2017

All stories by : Max Osiris

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